SPRINKLERS – if your home has an in-ground sprinkler system and you need assistance activating it for the season, here is who we recommend. Just be sure to inform them you are with Candela Properties.
1. Matt with JetSki Sprinklers – 719-661-6526 or jetskisprinklers.com
2. Joey with GrassRoots Irrigation – 719-391-2745
3. Gerry with TurfSurfers – 719-460-1728 or turfsurfers.net
4. Colorado Springs Irrigation – 719-344-8140
5. Dream Landscaping – 719-217-0478
LAWNS – Attached are guidelines for how much water your lawn needs throughout the year. Especially during the summer months, we find that interval watering (20 minutes am + 20 minutes pm vs. 40 minutes all at once) works well especially with the restrictions that start in May. Aeration and fertilization also help greatly in this climate. Scott’s TurfBuilder Plus 2 or Revive work fairly well, and local garden shops like Green Belt, Spencers or Don’s Garden have great options. But if you want professional assistance, we recommend the following landscape vendors.
1. Integrated Lawn – 719-528-5296
2. Lonestar Landscaping – 719-821-3331
3. J Rick Lawns – 719-445-9985
4. TurfSurfers – 719-460-1728
5. Dream Landscaping – 719-217-0478
GUTTERS – Please do a visual check of the gutter systems around your home, especially if you have well-established or large trees, pine needles, etc. We need to get those gutters clear of debris before monsoon season arrives. If you need assistance, please call
1. Luke with LT Construction at 719-671-6881
2. Jim with Ask Jim Handyman at 719-964-1773
3. Gerry with TurfSurfers at 719-460-1728
AIR CONDITIONING – If your home has central air conditioning, which you plan on using this summer, please contact one of the HVAC vendors below to service and tune-up the unit.
1. Father and Sons Heating + Cooling – 719-370-9704
2. Mitchell Heating – 719-596-6677
3. The Furnace Guy – 719-330-6852
4. Reliable Heating and Cooling – 719-377-7303
ALARMS – As I stated last month, please replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. If your alarms are malfunctioning or older than 10 years (they have manufacturer’s dates on them), please let me know ASAP so we can get replacements to you.
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