As I mentioned in a previous email, it’s time to start preparing our homes for the colder months ahead, and it sounds like we are going to get a sample of it this weekend. These vendors get really busy this time of year, especially when the first freeze is forecast, so PLEASE be proactive and get things scheduled now.
SPRINKLERS: If your home has an in-ground sprinkler system, it needs to be winterized to prevent burst or damaged pipes/backflows. We recommend the following vendors to properly shutdown the system for the season:
1. Matt with JetSki Sprinklers – 719-661-6526 or
2. Joe with GrassRoots Irrigation – 719-391-2745
3. Dream Landscaping – 719-217-0478
4. Humpty Stumpty Landscaping – 719-237-3478
5. Turf Surfers – 719-460-1728 or
Regardless of irrigation systems, it is vital to the health of your lawn that it gets sufficient watering year round. I have attached watering guidelines for the Pikes Peak region to this message for reference.
HVAC: As part of your rental contract, you agreed to have the HVAC system serviced on an annual basis. This is especially important for furnaces as HVAC techs will check for gas leaks, replace filters, etc before it’s needed for the first time this season. We recommend the following HVAC companies (in order) and be sure to tell them you are with Candela Properties:
1. Ron with Father and Sons Heating – 719-370-9704
2. The Furnace Guy – 719-330-6852
3. CoMech – 719-205-0437
4. Reliable Heating – 719-377-7303
5. Mitchell Heating – 719-596-6677
FIREPLACES: If your home has a wood burning or gas fireplace, which you plan on using this heating season, please have it inspected or serviced. We use the following vendors for this service:
1. Andy with Chimney Cricket (wood) – 719-687-3512
2. Danny with Hearth Masters (gas) – 719-331-7655
3. Amil with the Fireplace Doctor (both wood and gas) – 719-548-9919
4. Martha with Dr Soot (wood) – 719-598-4466
GUTTERS: When the leaves have dropped for the season, it’s important to have the gutter system cleared of debris so rainwater or snowmelt can flow freely away from your home. If you need assistance in completing this, the following vendors can assist:
1. Luke with LT Construction – 719-671-6881
2. Nole with Hop’s Handyman Service – 254-368-7712
3. Intrawest Gutters – 719-570-1800
4. Ground 2 Gutters – 719-266-3521
5. Humpty Stumpty – 719-237-3478
LAWNS AND HOSES: Please start disconnecting garden hoses after use to prevent burst pipes and lawns could use some TLC to prepare for winter. We highly recommend both a fall aeration and fertilization, which the following vendors can perform:
1. Turf Surfers – 719-460-1728
2. Dream Landscaping – 719-217-0478
3. J Rick Lawn – 719-445-9985
4. Humpty Stumpty Full Service Landscaping – 719-237-3478
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any of these items. Otherwise, thanks in advance for your cooperation to get your home set for winter.
Posted in Maintenance, News